Technology in a Lesson Plan #2

Technofied/Updated Lesson Plan:
The Journey through the Solar System
Created by:
Maureen Karlin
Grade Level:
Montana Content Standards, Science, Standard 4:  Students, through the inquiry process, demonstrate knowledge of the composition, structures, processes and interactions of the Earth’s systems and other objects in space.
Montana Content Standards, Technology, Standard 3:  A student must apply digital tools and skills with creativity and innovation to express him/herself, construct knowledge, and develop products and processes.
*Students will identify and label each of the eight planets in our solar system.
* Students will understand the relative size and distance of the planets in the solar system.
*Students will gain in depth knowledge about one planet in the solar system.
*Student will apply digital tools and skills with creativity and innovation.
*Video camera
*8” ball
*2 pinheads, diameter .03”
*2 peppercorns, diameter .08”
*chestnut or pecan, diameter .9”
*acorn, diameter .7”
*2 peanuts or coffee bean, diameter .3”
*Flags or markers
*Paper strips
*Paper mache’ glue
*Solar System
*web quest
*light year
Anticipatory Set:
*Students will listen to/read along with “The Magic School Bus, Lost in the Solar System”
* Students will visit to view an interactive exploration of our solar system
                *Specifically the “Compare the                 Planets Activity”
Introduction of New Knowledge:
*Students will explore
                *Specifically  explore relative size
                *Students will gather facts about                 planets
*Students will complete the Thousand Yard Model to physically explore the scale of the planets and the solar system.  The journey will be videotaped.
                1.Map out neighborhood for “journey” using Google Earth or Google Maps.
                2. Physically walk and mark the journey using balls, peanuts,etc.
*Students will choose one planet to explore in depth through websites, etc. (web quest), and will create a PowerPoint Presentation, a Prezi, or a Podcast listing facts about their planet.
*Students will share their PowerPoint or Podcast with the class.
*Projects will be posted on class website for parental viewing.
*Google form will be posted on classroom website for feedback from parents.
Formative Assessment: As children create PPT or Podcasts, I will observe their accuracy in the data they collect.
Summative Assessment: During their presentation of the PPT or Podcast, observation of students’ accuracy in the planet facts will be evident.
*Video of The Thousand Yard Model will be posted on the classroom website.
*Paper mache’ representations of planets can be made by children, if they desire.