Monday, June 3, 2013

It's official!

Well, I am officially a certified elementary and special education teacher!  It has been a long road, but I cannot imagine being anywhere else in my life right now.

The next goal is to find a job.  I know it is extremely competitive in Missoula County, and I only hope that I can be in the running.  I would love to be a member of a collaborative teaching team that works to bridge the gap between special education and general education by continually working to meet the needs of each individual student.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Graduation is just around the corner!  Although I will continue to student teach until June 7th, I am excited to realize that graduation is a little over a week away.  Now I can focus my attention on getting my dream job in education!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Wrap it up!

Well, my time in 5th grade has come to an end, and what an amazing experience it has been!  I will miss my cooperating teacher and my students more than I anticipated, but am fortunate enough to remain at the same school for my Special Education student teaching placement. And away we go...

Monday, February 18, 2013

Halfway there...

I cannot believe that I am halfway through my elementary student teaching placement.  On one hand it feels like I just begun this incredible journey, but on the other hand it feels like I have been here forever.  Forever...because it feels so natural to be in the classroom.  It feels like coming home.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hawthorne Elementary

I am fortunate to have been placed at Hawthorne Elementary for my student teaching for both elementary education and special education.  There is such a wealth of knowledge there, and everyone has been so helpful and supportive. 

There is so much to learn, but I feel that I couldn't be in a better place!